Gold medal in International Spirits Challenge 2020

Since Fjording participated in international competitions in 2019 and had some great results then, I thought for a while that “now we’re done with that”.

Probably because I was afraid of not succeeding once more :)

However, I changed my mind when International Spirits Challenge invited us to compete this year.

I wanted to see if specialist judges would approve our 2020-blend as well.

The result and the virus

March 4th we received the result: The expert jury had given Fjording a gold medal!

We were asked to keep the results to ourselves until March 23rd. Now we can finally spread the word.

I am of course honored and happy for this achievement. Winning trophies is a strong signal of doing things right.

Next, medals normally represents a golden opportunity to get some valuable PR.

However, I don’t believe we will get any notice from journalists this time. I’m not sure we’ll even try. The corona virus naturally take most of journalist’s time and attention. And it needs to be that way.

To be honest, it feels kinda weird to write this blog post at all. Cream liqueur and medals seems so unimportant in these worrisome times.

But we’ll save the result until the corona period hopefully ends - and have a celebration then.

Here’s the list of the 17 medal winners in the cream liqueur category

International Spirits Challenge 2020 - 2020 Results.png